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Author Topic: So what is new on this forum and how to use it?  (Read 6936 times)

Offline WhiteHorse

  • Lv.8 RoyalStorm Administrator
  • Games: Survival, Shooting, MOBA, Racing, Fighting, others
So what is new on this forum and how to use it?
« on: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h09 »

Youtube support is still available, and of course more video websites are supported now (too many to list all now).

To use that support simply paste the link and it will automatically be converted once you finish your post.


"Wise men were once stupid. They became wise because they learned from their and others' mistakes."

Offline WhiteHorse

  • Lv.8 RoyalStorm Administrator
  • Games: Survival, Shooting, MOBA, Racing, Fighting, others
Re: So what is new on this forum and how to use it?
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h20 »

Now audio playback is also possible. The sites supported are: and

To use that support simply paste the link of the music and it will automatically be converted once you finish your post.

Example 1 (
Code: [Select]


Example 2 (
Code: [Select]

Please note that while permits full playback inside the forum, only does a 30 seconds preview, but permits to listen to the total music on their site if you click the link "Play full song here".

Also note that is a bit slower to load into the forum.

In other words, is the recommended links to use here.
« Last Edit: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h22 by WhiteHorse »
"Wise men were once stupid. They became wise because they learned from their and others' mistakes."

Offline WhiteHorse

  • Lv.8 RoyalStorm Administrator
  • Games: Survival, Shooting, MOBA, Racing, Fighting, others
Re: So what is new on this forum and how to use it?
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h29 »

You can now justify text on your posts, if you so wish, so that it is aligned on left and right sides.

While posting just use the button that looks like this:
So that
Code: [Select]
[justify][/justify] stays around your text like this
Code: [Select]
[justify]your text[/justify]


This (without justify)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, magna id vulputate condimentum, augue quam molestie turpis, sed consequat enim massa sit amet libero. Integer urna quam, viverra a facilisis non, iaculis sit amet risus. Nulla ac nunc a ligula tincidunt elementum. Proin quam odio, placerat at sodales sed, luctus sit amet neque. Donec quis mi arcu, et convallis diam. Proin at nunc quam. Nunc sit amet ligula eu turpis euismod adipiscing. Nam eu posuere justo. Aenean quis odio nec risus bibendum lobortis eget ut leo. Mauris fermentum aliquet ultrices. Ut quis erat libero, vitae sodales metus. Quisque ultrices sodales mi, luctus pellentesque nisi blandit in. Cras facilisis dolor id nibh eleifend iaculis. Morbi tincidunt eros eget dolor fringilla fermentum. Pellentesque aliquam vehicula nulla, dignissim imperdiet est aliquam non. Aliquam neque justo, vehicula in cursus id, posuere vitae magna. Sed odio elit, mollis quis hendrerit commodo, dapibus vitae enim. Suspendisse potenti.

Vivamus luctus massa eget odio elementum gravida vulputate magna tempus. Suspendisse ultrices, nibh vitae facilisis molestie, lacus turpis dapibus nulla, ac blandit dui augue eget nibh. Etiam sollicitudin gravida libero, a sodales enim gravida sit amet. Phasellus blandit dolor iaculis lacus ullamcorper sed lobortis lorem eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque suscipit libero et mi sagittis molestie. Etiam placerat ornare velit, et porta ipsum rhoncus vel. Curabitur eget massa eget nisi posuere rhoncus. Vivamus auctor, leo id cursus ultricies, nisl nisi tincidunt tellus, nec eleifend ligula nulla vitae odio. Maecenas non est velit. Cras non lacus non diam auctor tempor. In ultrices tempus tellus, vitae scelerisque lorem elementum ut. Curabitur lectus nunc, posuere ut porta eget, egestas in mauris.

becomes (once justified)

[justify]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, magna id vulputate condimentum, augue quam molestie turpis, sed consequat enim massa sit amet libero. Integer urna quam, viverra a facilisis non, iaculis sit amet risus. Nulla ac nunc a ligula tincidunt elementum. Proin quam odio, placerat at sodales sed, luctus sit amet neque. Donec quis mi arcu, et convallis diam. Proin at nunc quam. Nunc sit amet ligula eu turpis euismod adipiscing. Nam eu posuere justo. Aenean quis odio nec risus bibendum lobortis eget ut leo. Mauris fermentum aliquet ultrices. Ut quis erat libero, vitae sodales metus. Quisque ultrices sodales mi, luctus pellentesque nisi blandit in. Cras facilisis dolor id nibh eleifend iaculis. Morbi tincidunt eros eget dolor fringilla fermentum. Pellentesque aliquam vehicula nulla, dignissim imperdiet est aliquam non. Aliquam neque justo, vehicula in cursus id, posuere vitae magna. Sed odio elit, mollis quis hendrerit commodo, dapibus vitae enim. Suspendisse potenti.

Vivamus luctus massa eget odio elementum gravida vulputate magna tempus. Suspendisse ultrices, nibh vitae facilisis molestie, lacus turpis dapibus nulla, ac blandit dui augue eget nibh. Etiam sollicitudin gravida libero, a sodales enim gravida sit amet. Phasellus blandit dolor iaculis lacus ullamcorper sed lobortis lorem eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque suscipit libero et mi sagittis molestie. Etiam placerat ornare velit, et porta ipsum rhoncus vel. Curabitur eget massa eget nisi posuere rhoncus. Vivamus auctor, leo id cursus ultricies, nisl nisi tincidunt tellus, nec eleifend ligula nulla vitae odio. Maecenas non est velit. Cras non lacus non diam auctor tempor. In ultrices tempus tellus, vitae scelerisque lorem elementum ut. Curabitur lectus nunc, posuere ut porta eget, egestas in mauris.[/justify]

This option, in some cases can make stuff nicer and easier to read.
« Last Edit: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h31 by WhiteHorse »
"Wise men were once stupid. They became wise because they learned from their and others' mistakes."

Offline WhiteHorse

  • Lv.8 RoyalStorm Administrator
  • Games: Survival, Shooting, MOBA, Racing, Fighting, others
Re: So what is new on this forum and how to use it?
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h45 »

This is one of the reasons for us to change host. So that we could use this.

While posting you will see 5 buttons that look like:

Each one permits to make a link (and in some cases even a preview) to the information of the name that you type. Please have attention to correctly type the name of the ( item / spell / quest / npc / recipe ) and to have clicked the proper button for what the name represents. If you miss type or use the incorrect button, it will not work.

Code: [Select]
[item=small]Koa Staff[/item]

[spell=small]Light of Resurrection I[/spell]

[quest]A Decisive Clue[/quest]


[recipe=small]Craft: Wriggot's Longbow[/recipe]


[item=small]Koa Staff[/item]

[spell=small]Light of Resurrection I[/spell]

[quest]A Decisive Clue[/quest]


[recipe=small]Craft: Tornado Longbow[/recipe]

Please note that Quests and NPC's have no previews, it just becomes a link to the database that has information about it.

I did a small tweak to the original code, so that the ones that have preview (Items, Spells, Recipes) put a small icon on it by default.

If properly used, the name linked will change color to match the quality of the object

[item=small]Koa Bow[/item] [item=small]cliona mail[/item]

If you are having problems with a item name, even if you type correctly
Code: [Select]
[item=small]Kromede's Staff[/item]does not work... : [item=small]Kromede's Staff[/item]

Then use it's game id number, as it is also able to recognize it.
Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h57 by WhiteHorse »
"Wise men were once stupid. They became wise because they learned from their and others' mistakes."

Offline WhiteHorse

  • Lv.8 RoyalStorm Administrator
  • Games: Survival, Shooting, MOBA, Racing, Fighting, others
Re: So what is new on this forum and how to use it?
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h50 »
That is it. Hope you enjoy the addons :)
Feel free to ask here for help if you have trouble using them.
« Last Edit: Tuesday , 24 November 2009 - 22h59 by WhiteHorse »
"Wise men were once stupid. They became wise because they learned from their and others' mistakes."


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