Note: You can reply on this topic without registering a forum account. Division Supervisor: Vertual Pix
Leaders:- (to be elected by the Supervisor if needed).
Please take a moment to read a couple of things about us:
- Our Rules and Values
- About Us and Our historyIf you agree with our rules and values and like what you read about us, reply to this topic with this info:
- Ingame name:
- Have you read and agree with our rules and values?:
- Your age:
- Game & server that you wish to play in this division:
- How did you found out about RoyalStorm?
- Why do you want to join RoyalStorm or what are your expectations with this community?
- If we wish to talk to you, at what times are we more likely to find you online?
- Have you played, or are you playing in other communities? If yes, specify.
- What kind of gaming experience do you have (which games/types, for how long)?
We will reply on this topic as soon as possible, so make sure to check back.
(Applications/replies will be deleted once they are processed. Any other kind of replies will also be deleted)